


Little Johnny was an empathetic personality. He was sensitive to everyone and would go out of his way to help  anyone avoid pain.  

Little Johnny hated doctors. He hated doctors because every time he went he had to get a shot. Johnny hated shots  because he didn’t like the pain associated with the injection. 

One day, Johnny had been sick for a week. His mother announced to Johnny that she was taking him to the doctor.  Johnny was scared because he didn’t want to get another injection. On the way to the doctor’s office, Johnny’s body  was greatly stimulated by the fear of the “what-if” movie that he was experiencing. He was imagining what it was going to be like to get another shot. 

At the door to the Doctor’s office, someone had dropped a banana peeling on the floor. Johnny didn’t see it and  slipped on the banana peeling. Johnny fell on his butt, greatly bruising himself. 

Johnny and his mother went into the doctor’s office. After examining Johnny, the doctor announced that he was  going to have to give Johnny an injection. Johnny was anxious, furious and scared. He started crying and wanted to  run out of the room. His mother pulled down his pants and the doctor gave him an injection right on his sore butt, not  noticing that there was a huge bruise that he could have avoided. Therefore, the injection was even more painful. 

 Ever since that day, Johnny has been allergic to bananas. They cause him to swell and to have stomach pain. 

This is how your MemGram® works. Your Stress Pattern isn’t necessarily logical. Your cells don’t have a Mind, but  they do have Memory. Bits and pieces of various memorable experiences can be put together to produce  another stressful event. The people, places, circumstances (PPCE) may be different than the original, but the FEELING  will always be the same. 

When you understand YOUR banana peeling event(s), your entire life will begin to change. I look forward to helping  you initiate this change. You CAN enjoy BEING, DOING, HAVING exactly what you desire. It is your birthright. Let me show you how.

Fill out the questionnaire and get your MemGram®chart now.