meet caroline


Caroline Minkowski is a registered nurse with many years of work experience in various fields of nursing. She has also received training, practice and certification as a MemGram® processor from the Biological Research Institute. She came upon the knowledge that there was a way to find out with pin-point precision, what was blocking her from having-being-doing what she was created to have-be-do. The way was the MemGram®.

It showed her all the stress patterns operating in her life then allowed her to stop supporting them, change her belief systems and begin the start of a new life. Now she wants to help others become aware of their stress patterns so they can have a new life too. It’s all about math and science and connecting the dots from your past experiences and traumas. She hopes you will let her connect the dots for you. Free Orientation and session are provided.


Disclaimer: No diagnosis or treatment for disease is intended. Any observations or comments made by Caroline Minkowski are for general educational purposes only and simply represent Caroline Minkowski’s personal opinion regarding what she would do if she personally had the same concerns as the recipient of this message. Please see a licensed health practitioner for all diagnoses, treatment and information concerning prevention, cure or restorative health care. Caroline Minkowski holds a BSN degree and is a licensed Registered Nurse. She is not a medical doctor. This information is for educational purposes only. It is not meant to cure, treat, prevent disease, nor prescribe or to be used for diagnosis. Please be aware that you accept all risk associated with using any of the protocols suggested by Caroline Minkowski.