“I have a hard time when it comes to decision making. When presented with choices they tend to feel heavy and I become unsure of what to do. I need to become aware of when choices are presented to me.  I need to know what I want and be able to express it. Need to have the courage to do/decide what I want and to not feel guilty about my choices. I have recruited my boyfriend’s help with this.  Since my MemGram® session, I've asked him to present me with small choices (like what to eat for dinner etc.) and allow me to decide what I want.  So far, this has been working out great and I can feel my confidence building when it comes to decision making.”        -L.S, Arizona

“I need to remain aware that I choose my work and it does not have to be a “must do”. When I follow the must do, it creates stress (hormone dump).  I want to rethink my priorities to what I want to do and align opportunities to match them.  The day after our talk, I took the day off to golf and felt serenely relaxed.  I need to remember that I can be active and engaged in work but not let it drive me.”  -N.S., New York

I was able to identify areas such as resentment that was robbing my joy and taking me away from me operating in my gifts (soul patterns). I am too hard on myself and others. There are some things that I can't control and I have to be okay with that. Reminding myself of my soul patterns by reading them each day helps me to stay focused and in the now. The stress patterns want me to focus on the negatives instead of the positive… My stress pattern wants to criticize and undermine my soul patterns making me inefficient. When I didn't succumb to the pressures my stress patterns try to impose I wasn't blocked/paralyzed so I was able to keep going. People appreciate my contributions, no matter how big or little they are. -K.J., Colorado

“The MemGram® is helping me to unravel and to understand that events and patterns from my past, even back through family generations induce me to react and operate in predictable and often, unproductive, self destructive ways. The MemGram® helps me to go back and retrieve memories and traumas that set off some of these harmful patterns and ways of thinking. I am learning to confront issues, problems, and uncomfortable situations quickly and objectively instead of being enmeshed in defensiveness, guilt, shame, and anger. As I learn to walk In truth, I am gaining confidence, strength and peace. The MemGram® is guiding me to discover who I really was created to be and learn to walk that out.” -L.O., Missouri

“If I had one word to describe the MemGram process it would be knowledge. Knowledge is Power. From knowledge, I have learned how the past and present impacts the future. The knowledge of my MemGram is discovering the Plan Against and for my Life. I have learned to use my knowledge to reduce the internal stress responsible for the mineral drain which manifests itself in exhaustion and health issues/draining of one’s life force. I would highly recommend Caroline to guide you through the internal and external steps one needs to get on the path to wellness and happiness.” -J. C., Pennsylvannia

“Working through the memgram process with Caroline has helped to identify past traumas & reveal unhealthy patterns in my life that I was unaware of before! I feel equipped to respond differently to situations that try to keep these patterns going; making it possible to break free of them. I love how God is using my MemGram sessions to show me areas where He wants to bring healing and growth!” - A.G., Kansas